Something my Mom didn’t even know….!

Facebook is great for like a million different things… I can share my pets with the world, I can tell ya’ll what I’m cooking for dinner, I can brag on my kids, I can share my potty humor memes… but the one thing that completely SUCKS is how they treat small business owners. I can assume, as with anything, it’s all about the dolla-bills. They want you to pay to boost your post, or pay for an ad, or some other total bullshit reason. You literally have to PAY Facebook for people to see your stuff. That being said, there are things YOU can do to help us out.

Of course you have the option to just scroll on by… and I won’t judge you for doing that. And LIKING my work is swell and all, but it doesn’t help it get seen in other people’s news feeds. See, Facebook has algorithms that are finicky af. My images will only show up in news feeds if engagement is good. Likes don’t count… and neither do emojis! WHAT A CRUEL JOKE that is! And I just learned that ‘good engagement’ is more than 5 words. WTF Facebook, this is asking a lot of my friends… but see, it’s worth it for you and I’ll tell you why. The more you comment, and share, the more it makes me WANT to post and share. When I post an image that I absolutely LOVE and it gets ZERO comments, it really doesn’t motivate me to post more. The dance photo posted above took a TON of editing (see before and after)… and special Noiseware as the lighting conditions were pretty non-ideal… and CRICKETS. It took me crying to my Mom to get a pity-comment from her. (Just kidding mom, you literally share EVERYTHING I post and I know you are my biggest fan… but no offence, you are NOT my ideal client. HHAHAHA Love you. Keep sharing.)

Another thing that helps is TAGGING people ON the picture. (Grandparents, aunts, uncles etc…..) this does NOT mean adding their name in the comments. That does NOTHING except tell that ONE person to come have a look. What you need to do is 1. click on the picture 2. click on the TAG icon 3. Start typing names. If you want to tag a business, you need to start with the @ first, then the business name. By doing this, it will show up in their news feed where all THEIR friends and family will see it. The more people that see our work/products the more successful we will be! And guess what… it doesn’t cost you ANYTHING except a few moments of your time.

Now we will play a little game. For every 5 comments on my Senior Company picture, I will post another picture. (This game could go oooooooooon as I took 687 photos last weekend.) The first 5 people to comment ‘five words’ on the Senior Company picture will also get a free magnet from a shoot that you had with me. (if I have not photographed you directly, you can gift the magnet to a friend, or save it for a future shoot). When you support your small business owning friends, everybody wins! Don’t ask them for discounts on shampoo, leggings, jewelry, personal training, supplements or photo shoots… instead, support your friends by paying full price, tipping them, sharing your experience and doing your part to help them continue to pay their bills and feed their kids. Do you think Walmart does a ‘Happy Dance’ when it sells a pair of leggings or a bottle of shampoo? They don’t. They don’t give a fuck about you like I do. I give all the fucks.

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