Easter/Spring Sessions for 2019

It’s SPRING! My third favorite season is finally upon us! I was very excited this year to have four families join us as ‘returning clients’ from our Holiday Magic Sessions last December! (Actually, most of these kids I knew when they were in their mama’s bellies!) One of my favorite things of all time is the “loyal client”… watching kids grow and change is quite amazing! The babies I have photographed in the beginning are now legal adults. Okay, okay, I’m getting off track and it’s making me cry ugly tears.. real ugly.

I think the second blessing of the weekend was NO RAIN. And on River Rat weekend? Is this unheard of? Like, in the HISTORY of River Rat Weekends, how many were there with no rain? We need to Google this… because boy did we get lucky! Friday evening into Saturday morning it POURED… then the rain stopped and it was 70 degrees. Just like that. It was gorgeous all weekend.

Our first client was a 6 year old GQ model. He was charming and funny and did everything we told him to do. A photographer’s DREAM. We may have gone a little overboard with him… we couldn’t help it. Our second client was my ‘Grow with Me’ from last year, so I got to photograph this little fart not only in his mama’s belly, but also when he was 3 months, 6, 9 and 12 months old! He has a love/hate relationship with me. This time he would ONLY smile when a car drove by. And we were in the middle of nowhere. So that was fun. The third client of the weekend were two little blond sisters that love each other AND their photographer! They are silly and giggly and squirmy, but they take direction really well, even if that means I am slowly burning 2,000 calories in the process. Their pictures are ALWAYS on point. Last, but not least, were old friends from my kids’ preschool. Only they aren’t in preschool anymore… I watched the oldest drive away from the shoot herself and I almost started crying. She was JUST three…. where does the time gooooooooooooooo?

Now that this blog is done, I can go make these guys their galleries… I’m sure they are just as excited to see them as I am to make them.

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